Bilgay's Sword of Victory

Born: 30-12-1996 Dead: ..-06-2003      (dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Male Variety: Tervueren
Symptoms: vomiting, losing weight, not eating well
Type of cancer: Stomach Cancer
Date diagnozed cancer: ..-04-2003
Diagnoze method: endoscopic biopsy
Medication used: ..
Notes: tried surgery for another six months. Too advanced. Never left the table

Bilgay's Mtn. Touche Delay Corps Bilgay's Summer Jamboree Labelle's a Liberte
Bilgay's Lady Fergie of Siedah
Bilgay's Midnight Tatiana Glenoak Eclair For Maplewood
Bilgay's Cinnamon Bear
TNT'N Bilgay Ring In The New Bilgay's Summer Thunder Labelle's a Liberte
Bilgay's Lady Fergie of Siedah
Symons Treasure Alli O'Bilgay Crestar's Bon Dieu
Starwind's Jessi Symons

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
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Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
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