Fairy von Stolpe Lachsbach

Born: 27-03-1998 Dead: 15-04-2009      (dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Female Variety: Tervueren
Symptoms: vomiting, losing weight, not eating well
Type of cancer: Stomach Cancer
Date diagnozed cancer: 08-01-2009
Diagnoze method: When vomiting started an Ultrasound didn't show anything, later a CT showed multiple cancer locations around stomach and pancreas
Medication used: Antibiosis, Omeprazol, Analgetica
Notes: First vomiting was seen more than half a year before the dog had to be put down. No diagnostic methods could find out in the beginning, what might be the reason. The vet had no clue that it could be cancer, until I asked for CT. After CT the dog lived for another 3 month

Hexenhouse Rawk Corsini Aragon Lance van de Hoge Laer at Corsini
Delark Iceberg
Osca van de Hoge Laer Ares de la Clariere aux Louves
Cartouche du Perigord vert
Amber von Stolpe Lachsbach Kwando van de Hoge Laer Un vison du Chemin des Dames
Beggy of the Two
Amra Sable de Scottatura Ares du Bois du Tôt
Sable du Geyser en Forez

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
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Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
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