Jolly du Chemin des Sorcieres |
Born: | 18-06-2009 | Dead: | 28-10-2013 ( dates: dd-mm-yyyy) |
Sex: | Female (not spayed) | Variety: | Groenendael |
Symptoms: | Jolly was suddenly feeling bad and it was looking like her stomach got very big. | ||
Type of cancer: | liver & spleen | ||
Date diagnozed cancer: | ... | ||
Diagnoze method: | operation | ||
Medication used: | ... | ||
Notes: | When Jolly was suddenly feeling bad seemed to have a swollen stomach, the doctor decided to operate at once. When he opened her, her stomach was full of some fluids, the whole liver and spleen were aaffected by cancer. She died not long time after the operation and she was only 4,5 years old. |
Xanova Jeton Noir | Jason de la Douce Plaine | Briscar du Sart des Bois |
Dyna de la Douce Plaine | ||
Ebontide Nocturne of Xanova | Rival de la Fureur du Crépuscule | |
Ebontide Lady in Black | ||
Sheena-Nat du Chemin des Sorcières | Viking des Terres Bergeres | Jirian du Mas de la Galandie |
Jalagny de la Douce Plaine | ||
Lanaken Natascha | Phebus des Terres Bergères | |
Imola de la Douce Plaine |
Registered offspring with SC or C: | Registered siblings with SC or C: |
... | ... |
Registered half siblings with SC or C: |
Same father: | Same mother: |
... | ... |
Other registered relatives with SC or C: |
relation: |
Maya du Chemin des Sorcieres (SC) | Common anscestor (Lanaken Natasha) |
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