Maya du Chemin des Sorcieres

Born: 31-05-2011 Dead: 10-08-2022      (dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Female Variety: Groenendael
Symptoms: vomiting, losing weight, diarrea, dehydration
Type of cancer: Stomach Cancer
Date diagnozed cancer: 15-7-2022
Diagnoze method: postmortem makroscopi, autopsy
Medication used: just for peptic ulcer and to stop the diarrea
Notes: repeatedly diarrea and peptic ulcer

James Du Chemin Des Sorciéres Xanova Jeton Noir Jason De La Douce Plaine
Ebontide Nocturne Of Xanova
Sheena-nat Du Chemin Des Sorciéres Viking Des Terres Bergeres
Lanaken Natasha
Altesse Du Chemin Des Sorciéres Usky Du Crepuscule Des Loups Gourou Du Crepuscule Des Loups
Nadia De La Grande Lande
Lanaken Natasha Phebus Des Terres Bergeres
Imola De La Douce Plaine

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
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Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
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Other registered relatives with SC or C:

Jolly du Chemin des Sorcieres (C) Common anscestor (Lanaken Natasha)

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