
Born: 30-12-1990 Dead: 1999 or 2000      (dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Female Variety: Groenendael
Symptoms: not eating well, can't remember well if there was more, too long ago
Type of cancer: Stomach Cancer
Date diagnozed cancer: ...
Diagnoze method: ...
Medication used: -
Notes: This was more than 20 years ago, the dog was put to sleep the same day the diagnosis was set, because she was so ill

A-Te-Ell's Mister Disco Sundown's Quest Of Valor Sundown's Sound Of Victory
Sundown's Quest O'Glory
A-Te-Ell's Miss Misty Mistral Du Mistral
Femandos Queen
Mammitos Astrea A-Te-Ell's Mister Locomotion Iti-A-Te-Ell Du Domaine Des Noirs
Gina Du Domaine Des Noirs
Femandos C'est Une Chienne Chevelue Rival De La Douce Plaine
Femandos Yoga

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
... ...

Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
... ...

Other registered relative with SC or C:


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