Gyver vom Hohen Asgard

Born: 18-12-2013 Dead: 13-07-2019      (dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Male Variety: Tervueren
Symptoms: vomiting, not eating well, eating lots of grass
Type of cancer: Stomach Cancer
Date diagnozed cancer: 13-07-2019
Diagnoze method: endoscopic biopsy, surgical biopsy, ultrasound
Medication used: Omeprazol, several meds against vomiting, pain killers
Notes: both (!) probes of endoscopic and surgical biopsy taken on 02-07-2019 were negative and the ultrasound only showed a heavy gastritis; however, the ultrasound that was done some hours before he was euthanized showed a stomach that was completely overgrown by cancer

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