Belgian Shepherds with Stomach Cancer or other cancers

  • All dogs are listed under their kennel name
  • Dogs in the pedigree with SC behind their name, are also listed in this stomach cancer register
  • Dogs in the pedigree with C behind their name, are also listed in this register under other cancers
  • Not all cancers have a genetic cause. In old dogs one can question the importance of listing the dog in this register. However, as it is unclear where to draw a line, they are all listed, but over 12 years of age it is specifically mentioned in the notes for that dog.
  • Dogs listed in this list are registered by their owner or breeder. No responsability can be taken for the validity of the information.

Dogs are listed per variety:

Registered dogs:

  Groenendael Tervueren Laekenois Malinois Total
Stomach cancer: 55 92 0 3 150
Other cancer: 36 40 0 8 84
Total 91 132 0 11 234

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