Mystique-Moon de Rancho Jerez

Born: 03-02-2001 Dead: ..-05-2014      ( dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Female (not spayed) Variety: Groenendael
Symptoms: No symptoms until she could suddenly not stand up and not walk.
Type of cancer: bone cancer, back legs
Date diagnozed cancer: ...
Diagnoze method: ...
Medication used: -
Notes: The vet checked her and there was no hope for her. She could not walk and she was already 13 years and 3 months old

O'Emir De La Douce Plaine Jour J de Condivicnum Emir de Condivicnum
Brennie du Sart des Bois
Joy de La Douce Plaine E'rick de la Douce Plaine
Gaby de la Douce Plaine
Bijou Ambassadeur des Belges Tex des Terres Bergeres Imhotep de Condivicnum
Oshiwa des Terres Bergeres
Csaholczay Estella Quiares du Pisteur
Buszke del Castel Sardo

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
... ...

Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
... ...

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