Orage Pavot Marajuyo

Born: 29-01-2000 Dead: 05-01-2011      ( dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Male Variety: Groenendael
Symptoms: vomiting, losing weight, not eating well
Type of cancer: Stomach Cancer
Date diagnozed cancer: 21-12-2010
Diagnoze method: endoscopic biopsy
Medication used:  
Notes: -

Tsisco van de Hoge Laer Buster Jessie van Lana’s Hof Buddy van Lana’s Hof
Jessie van Lana’s Hof
Quasinoir van de Hoge Laer Fantascq du Sart des Bois
Gralengrove Crystal
Claudie Marajuyo Aaron de Palaemon Engel du Domaine Ponti
Yasz van ‘t Belgisch Schoon
Quispel of The Two Lasco van ‘t Hof ter Dyle
Neua of The Two

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
... ...

Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
... ...

Registered other relative with SC or C:

Niece: Devlin Marajuyo (SC)
Daughter of Nephew: Amy of Dazzling Black (C)
Son of Nephew: Auke of Dazzling Black (SC)

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