Starbright Extra Innings (Wiley)

Born: 04-06-1985 Dead: ..-06-1993      ( dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Male (neutered at 6 mnth) Variety: Tervueren
Symptoms: Mass on rib cage
Type of cancer: Hemangiosarcoma
Date diagnozed cancer: Feb 1993
Diagnoze method: radiographs & biopsy
Medication used: Chemo & surgery
Notes: neutered at 6 mos, one retained testicle

Yessit C’Est T’out Bonheur's Ruarri Mactire Elysee de Mont Cenis
Kalyn's Zazarac de Bonheur
Starbright Black Brocade Yamin van't Hof Melyn
Brillance de Mont Cenis
Starbright Bouquetiere Yamin van't Hof Melyn Tarass de la Pouroffe
Vallia de Colla Dona
Brillance de Mont Cenis Scorpio de Fauve Charbonné
Regina's Echo de Bonheur

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
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Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
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