Vivant et Lisse Copper

Born: 16-01-2008 Dead: 16-07-2017      (dates: dd-mm-yyyy)
Sex: Male (not spayed) Variety: Tervueren
Symptoms: lost all fur 1 year before, general malaise, collapse, always had Gastro Intestinal issues since day 1, nothing ever showed up, lots of allergies like 35 to foods
Type of cancer: Hemangiosarcoma
Date diagnozed cancer: 13-2-2017
Diagnoze method: Blood test, splenectomy and liver biopsy confirm; 1 year before fast growth removed on belly
Medication used: Chemotherapy
Notes: it had his liver and pancreas and finally his heart. He was a 5 show champ, my love, it took his heart

Allstar's E Ke Onaona Avant Garder de l'Aurore Bergarac Brigadoon
Montana de Condivicnum at Corsini
Allstar's No Fear MonAmi Baikal Two Perfect
Jaccars Reina de la Risa
MonAmi Snowflower Regenboog Allstar Monami Walk this Way MonAmi Baikal Two Perfect
Jaccars Reina de la Risa
Snowflower Still Dreamn Touchstone's Cutting Edge
Snowflower Mahogany Rush

Registered offspring with SC or C: Registered siblings with SC or C:
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Registered half siblings with SC or C:

Same father: Same mother:
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